
Shifting the Narrative and Embracing Diversity in Skilled Trades

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Dec 20, 2023

Stigma has long undermined the true value and importance of skilled trades. We have continued challenging these misconceptions by offering programs and education that raise awareness and expose participants to welding to demystify the world of skilled trades. Our goal? Generate meaningful conversations with students, parents, educators, and industry professionals that inform and inspire them to consider opportunities and career paths they may be unaware of.

Skilled trades are not confined to one demographic or background, and we and our partners remain steadfast in our commitment and collaboration to shine a spotlight on diversity within the trades and celebrate everyone’s contributions. Embracing inclusivity encourages all generations to break down barriers and foster an environment that welcomes everyone. 

The Transformative Power of Exposure 

Ayva Siokalo discovered her potential in welding despite initial hesitations. Her story of being a theatre enthusiast and finding a passion for welding showcases the impact of breaking stereotypes and diversifying the skilled trades landscape. Ayva’s journey, from initial curiosity to competing in Skills New Brunswick, demonstrates the Foundation’s goal to encourage exploration and foster inclusivity within the trades. Her positive experience highlights the transformative power of exposure to new opportunities, illustrating that skilled trades know no boundaries regarding demographics or background. The support provided by mentors and the positive environment at the Mind Over Metal™ youth camp she attended paved the way for her unexpected and exciting journey into the welding industry. Click here to read her full story. 

Our Impact in The Last Decade 

  • 30% of youth program participants identify as female. 
  • 47 Mentors and 160+ Mentees are part of the CWB Foundation Mentorship Network, which provides a safe and supportive space to learn and build confidence as welders navigate their careers. 
  • 5,000+ youth have been introduced to welding using virtual reality welding simulators across Canada, mobilized through a trusted partner network and try-a-trade related events. 

By promoting diversity and inclusivity, the CWB Foundation continues to create pathways for individuals from all walks of life, showcasing the endless possibilities within the world of skilled trades. 

To explore partnership opportunities and support our mission, connect with us today to amplify our impact and create meaningful change.