
Welding students get donation of new kits

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Oct 15, 2023

Holy Rosary High School welding students have received a donation of 12 WeldSafe kits from CWB Welding Foundation. Each kit is valued at $1,200, and students are grateful and excited for the safety gear gift.

Grade 12 welding student Marleigh Mann likes the hands-on aspect, especially as she is able to take the learning back to her family farm.

“So, we do a lot of welding at home, just building pipe fences. Before, I was just the labour around there, but I’m starting to move up now, and I get to actually do some of the welding. It’s been great to give me a start and give me an idea to do all that stuff.”

Mann in expressing her gratitude, was stoked to have the new gear and technology for the welding students to use.

Welding instructor Kevin Bender says it’s a game-changer for the class to receive the new welding kits.

“The CWB Welding Foundation – it not only helps the students recognize the importance of the welding program, but it also helps our school division realize that we have an outside industry that’s interested in contributing and putting an emphasis on these important trades.”

The CWB Welding Foundation will also provide the school with a safety review of the welding class and supply administration with any safety recommendations.

Article courtesy of MYLLORDMINSTERNOW: