
From Obstacles to Opportunities: Empowering Underrepresented Groups Through Partnerships

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Jun 13, 2023

The demand for skilled welders continues to grow, and with it, the need for a more diverse and inclusive workforce. The Government of Ontario estimates that by 2025, the skilled trades sector will account for an alarming 20 per cent of all jobs in the province. As luck would have it, a largely untapped workforce exists right under our noses.

The welding industry has traditionally been male-dominated, which means we have an opportunity to reduce barriers for underrepresented groups who can enter the field and support the current and future Canadian labour force.

We’ve seen success in embracing equitable opportunities such as this by collaborating with our partners to bridge skill gaps, deliver tailor-made programs, supply equipment, and carve out new pathways in welding and welding-related careers for overlooked demographics. The great news is these successes are repeatable.

As the CWB Welding Foundation enters its 10th year of reducing barriers and increasing opportunities to address the skills gap, we invite you to forge forward with us. Here are some opportunities that can make an immediate impact:

opportunity no 1 mentorship
Opportunity No. 1

One of the significant challenges people face as they pursue welding careers is the need for more access to training and mentorship opportunities. For instance, women can often struggle to find peers and mentors who can understand and support them in a skilled trades setting. That’s where partnerships between industry leaders come in and is a key reason why we’ve developed the Women of Steel™ Mentorship Network.

As part of our Women of Steel program, the Mentorship Network connects participants with mentors in a safe and supportive environment designed to advance their technical skills while navigating the realities of the workplace. By working together, we expand our sphere of influence and provide women with the skills, training and support they need to succeed.

opportunity no 2 flexibility
Opportunity No. 2

Another significant challenge is the lack of flexibility in training options. When our lives are busy and daily responsibilities begin to take hold, balancing work, personal and family responsibilities can be difficult. By partnering with employers who understand the need for flexible work environments, we can create training programs that are flexible and accommodating, allowing everyone to pursue a career in welding without sacrificing certain aspects of life that are equally important.

opportunity no 3 ppe
Opportunity No. 3

Partnerships can directly address the need for properly fitted personal protective equipment (PPE). We come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes making it a struggle to find equipment that meets our needs, which can leave us at risk of injury. Not having access to the appropriate safety resources can also hinder career advancement, as we take on more complex or specialized roles.

With the help of several industry leaders, we’ve created the CWB WeldSAFE™ program, which provides custom safety kits at no cost to eligible schools. The program also includes enhanced safety resources to improve health and safety initiatives, awareness and education on the proper use and fit of safety equipment. By working together, we can ensure that PPE is readily available and in sizes and styles that fit correctly, keeping us safe and comfortable on the job.

industry collaborationOpportunity No. 4
Industry Collaboration

As mentioned earlier, programs like the Women of Steel Mentorship Network are invaluable for success and create safe and supportive environments that help growth. Finding ways to collaborate with each other produces opportunities we couldn’t otherwise build on our own. Partnering with organizations committed to diversity and inclusivity can create a snowball effect when they realize how one solution can help solve another, and so on. Supporting the pipeline of skilled labour from the top carries through into all aspects of the industry.

Exploring ways to work together has already made a difference in the skilled trades industry, and it’s up to us to continue pushing the workforce in a more diverse and inclusive direction. We need to remain focused on promoting diversity and inclusivity, investing in adaptive programming, and maintaining the willingness to create spaces where everyone can obtain the skills and experience they need.

Everyone at the CWB Welding Foundation is committed to bridging the gap and supporting all individuals interested in or pursuing a career in welding and welding-related fields. Through our partnerships and collaboration with industry leaders and government, we’ve created highly sought-after training programs, mentorship opportunities, and a supportive community filled with ambassadors and allies who help each other succeed in welding skilled trades. Together, we can continue creating a workforce that empowers us to achieve our full potential.